[ANY] SourceComms Описание: Плагин сделан на основе ExtendedComm и поддерживает SourceBans
Пример WEB части
Команды: Код: sm_comms
показывает статус мута
sm_mute <player> <optional:time> <optional:reason>
Отключить микрофон.
sm_gag <player> <optional:time> <optional:reason>
Отключить чат.
sm_silence <player> <optional:time> <optional:reason>
Отключить микро и чат.
sm_unmute <player>
Снять запрет на микро.
sm_ungag <player>
Снять запрет на чат.
sm_unsilence <player>
Снять запрет на микро и чат.
PHP код: "sourcecomms" { "driver" "mysql" "host" "your_mysql_host" "database" "your_sourcebans_database" "user" "your_mysql_login" "pass" "******" //"timeout" "0" "port" "3306 or your_database_port" }
Выполните sql запрос на вашу базу SB PHP код: CREATE TABLE `sb_comms` ( `bid` int(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `authid` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unnamed', `created` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `ends` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `length` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `reason` text NOT NULL, `aid` int(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `adminIp` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `sid` int(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `RemovedBy` int(8) DEFAULT NULL, `RemoveType` varchar(3) DEFAULT NULL, `RemovedOn` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `type` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '1 - Mute, 2 - Gag', `ureason` text, PRIMARY KEY (`bid`), KEY `authid` (`authid`), KEY `created` (`created`), KEY `RemoveType` (`RemoveType`), KEY `type` (`type`), KEY `sid` (`sid`), KEY `aid` (`aid`), FULLTEXT KEY `authid_2` (`authid`), FULLTEXT KEY `name` (`name`), FULLTEXT KEY `reason` (`reason`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Отредактируйте ваши файлы на WEB сервере как указано в файле files_to_edit.txt
Вам надо использовать Версию sourcemod (или basecomm plugin) 1.5.0-hg3761 и новее, чтобы избежать ошибок
Лог обновлений PHP код: * **0.9.7** - Added the ability to use the player's name in quotes in console commands. Request from lyric. * **0.9.1** * Plugin was approved! Many thanks to alongub. * No changes were made, only version bump. * **0.8.257** * Now already punished players are hided from menu. Thanks for idea to wingblack. * Allowed to use serverID = 0. Request from bottiger. * **0.8.253** * A lot of code was refactored. * Added *Servers White List* feature. More details in README. * Fixed console immunity value for punishments received from web. * Added **natives** for . More details in README. * Fixed bug with unblocking commands, if they were called by console. * **0.8.158** * Fixed `Unknown command` reply in client console. * Fixed/added SQL-escaping to prevent SQL-injections. * Changed way of connecting to database, added checking for *connection lost*. * Fixed bug with unicode symbols in entries from queue. * Fixed bug with only one punishment per steam-id could be saved in queue. * Fixed bug with `MaxLength` checking, which doesn't work correctly for admins with `UNBLOCK_FLAG`. * Some optimizations of SQL-queries. * Improved plugin state *consistency* with unstable database connection. * Other code improvements. Thanks to alongub. * **0.8.89** - Fixed bug with MaxLength checking in console commands. * **0.8.88** * Added `MaxLength` option to config. See plugin config for mor details. * Fixed admin immunity determination in sql queries. * Added setting up console immunity on block fetching. * **0.8.79** - Added colored prefix to all output messages. * **0.8.75** * Code improvements. * Fixed some mistakes in actions logging. * **0.8.65** * Code improvements. * Fixed bug with unicode arguments in punishment commands. * Added command `sm_comms` for players, which provides viewing communications status of himself. * Bots are now removed from menu targets list. * **0.8.1** * Fixed bug with *player's name in the database sometimes was a part of another "sql-query"* * Code improvements to avoid similar bugs in the future. * Disabled sql-queries log. * **0.7.122** * Fixed bug: punishments were recorded into the database twice. * Removed "select from queue" query from logging. * Fixed bug with wrong logging comms actions in SM logs. * Enabled sql-queries log. * **0.7.114** * Fixed some flaws in the sql queries. * Small code improvements. * **0.7.111** - First release on AlliedMods. * **0.7.97** * Minor bugs fixed. * DEBUG info now disabled by default. * Now plugin is "beta". * **0.7.60** * Changed internal data structure. * Added to Menu List of Current players punishments (from original ExtendedComms plugin). * Added "ConsoleImmunity" and "DisableUnblockImmunityCheck" variables to config. * **0.6.52** * Now plugin will auto-reloads after update. * Little changes in translation. * **0.6.51** - Added temporary punishments. * **0.6.44** - Added "DefaultTime" variable to config. * **0.6.42** - In debug mode, text of all sql queries will stored in separate log. * **0.6.37** - Added console commands that provides unblocking player comms via web. * **0.6.34** - Added Updater support. * **0.6.20** - Fixed bug: "after restoring a database connection expired punishments were not added to main database". * **0.6.19** - Fixed bug with displaying admin activity after restoring a database connection, but not immediately. * **0.6.14** - Added console commands that provides blocking player comms via web. * **0.5.30** - First public alpha.
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