[ANY/CSS] EntControl(like grabbermod) Описание: Плагин EntControl предназначен для людей, которые хотят улучшить свой сервер в плане функциональности Это очень мощный плагин ... используйте его с умом! Поддерживаемые игры:- CS:S
- CS:S Beta
- DOD (I don´t own it, but it should work)
- TF2 (I don´t own it, but it should work)
- Obsidian Conflict
Не поддерживаемые игры:- Dystopia
- L4D / L4D2 <- I don´t own these games, so I cannot support them.
- CS:GO <- Thanks to Valve, most functions will not work in CS:GO.
But you can still use the plugin in CS:GO at your own risk ...
Cписок возможностей:- Spawn things like props, weapons, bombzone, (very simple) NPCs, ...
- You can easily add new Entities by editing the configfile - NO need to recompile the plugin!
- Modify every entity ... make it breakable, invisible, unsolid, remove it, touch it, ...
- Rotate entities
- Use one of the powerful weapons (shoot rockets, fire ioncannon, TV-MISSILE)
- Reads Entity-Outputs like the OnPressed Event from a func_button
- None-Admins are able to pickup props with +USE
- And much more
- Spawn Portals
- Fixed Guns
Можете просмотреть полный список команд Важные команды: Захватывайте вещи с помощью команды +sm_entcontrol_grab Откройте меню с помощью sm_entcontrol_menu Напишите !entcontrol в чат для просмотра документации Требования: SDKHOOKS Установка:- Установите SDKHOOKS
- Распакуйте архив в сервер
- Установите autoupdater для автообновления
Квары: Вы также можете установить флаг "" Пример: sm_entcontrol_grab_fl "" Это позволит любому игроку использовать команду захвата предметов. История обновлений:Код: 2012-12-24 (v1.6 - dev 4) * HL2MP - Support * Obisidan Conflict - Support * Weapons can now be stored/loaded * Fixed a few bugs
2012-03-01 (v1.6) * Portals * Fixed Guns * TV-Missile * Just too much Oo
2011-12-04 (v1.56) * None-Admins are now able to pickup props with +USE -> Can be disabled: sm_entcontrol_noneadminsusegrab 0 * Faster rockets * While looking at nothing (none-entity), the menu will now select yourself! * Headcrabs should work fine for now ... but untested so far ... * Improved Mines
2011-10-13 (v1.55) * Shows now the output of a func_button-entity -> This will need the EntControl-Extension * Fixed the "rocket-don´t-explode"-bug * Added new flag: sm_entcontrol_grab_pl_fl <<< Flag to grab player
2011-10-03 (v1.541) * Fixed support for SDK-Hooks (TF)
2011-09-30 (v1.54) * The admin-threaded plugin is now fully working. * SDKHooks is no longer required * Now works on other mods like Obsidian Conflict, Synergy, ...
2011-07-11 (v1.53) * Hostages are now able to break the func_breakable entities. * Fixed the store-function * Added the parent-function * Fixed a few bugs
2011-07-07 (v1.52) * Weapons and the Sentrygun are now working under TF2 * A few Bugfixes
2011-06-18 (v1.50) * Rewritten the menu (Look at an entity to edit it) * Save & load -> Props & NPCs * Place NPCs via Hammer Editor (info_target -> Name = "npc_...") * Workaround for the "NPC-Resuezone-Bug" * Headcrab now able to attach to player * A few other things
2011-06-06 (v1.45) * Removed hostage sounds from npcs (thanks to Nail) * Added Weapons & Props for DoD:S (thanks to Kjaer) * Fixed a few Bugs * NPC-ConfigFile-Section * Moved the needed Stocklib-Functions to stocks.sp (thanks to javalia)
2011-05-28 (v1.45pre) * Fixed an important security-hole * Added Police with Stunstick and Barney (Can pickup weapon_deagle or any other physics entity and throws it at the player)
2011-05-25 (v1.4) * Added ClassicZombie, CombineSoldier with Plasmaweapon * Updated the NPC BaseCode
2011-05-23 (v1.342) * Fixed a few bugs
2011-05-22 (v1.34) * Fixed the not working Ioncannon
2011-05-22 (v1.33) * Spawn weapons under TF2 * Updated Config-Loading-Code and the Config-File
2011-05-20 (v1.3) * Translationfile (english, german) * Added NPCs (Gman, Headcrab)
2011-05-19 (v1.252) * Added CVARS (sm_entcontrol_throw_self, sm_entcontrol_mod_self)
2011-05-18 (v1.251) * Added Gamefolder-Checks
2011-05-18 (v1.25) * New Commands (sm_entcontrol_grab_toggle, sm_entcontrol_unfreeze) * Fixed a few bugs * Added Menu-Back-Buttons
2011-05-17 (v1.2) * New CVARS (sm_entcontrol_grab_self, sm_entcontrol_spawn_prop_override) * New configfile
2011-05-16 (v1.1a) * Fixed Bots-Are-Crashing-Server-Bug.
2011-05-16 (v1.1) * Fixed a few bugs * Flag "" can now be set. (Allows non-admins to use a command) * Weapons now have 150 ammo after have been spawned
2011-05-16 (v1.0) * Initial release. Оригинал |