Квары:- sv_sb_enabled - Включает функции плагина (0 = выключено, 1 = включено).
- sv_sb_prop_limit - Устанавливает максимальное количество пропов, которые игрок может спавнить.
Команды:- m_spawn <propname> - Spawns a prop from the prop-list.
- m_create <classname> <model> - ROOT: Always a root admin to spawn special entities.
- m_remove <self|player> - With no arguments: Removes a prop you are looking at ; Self: Removes all of your props ; Player: Removes a specified player's props
- m_owner <player> - Changes the ownership of a prop.
- m_propinfo - Returns various information about the prop you are looking at.
- m_move <x> <y> <z> - Moves the prop given units on the given axis (for precision building).
- m_rotate <x> <y> <z> - Rotates the prop given degrees on the given axis.
- m_straight - Returns the prop you're looking at to 0 0 0 angles.
- m_freeze - Freezes the prop you are looking at.
- m_unfreeze - Unfreezes the prop you are looking at.
- m_solid - Changes the solidity of a prop you are looking at.
- m_modelme - ADMIN: Changes your model to what you are looking at.
- m_setmass - Changes the mass of a prop you are looking at.
- m_alpha <amount> - Changes the alpha value of the prop you are looking at.
- m_color <r> <g> <b> - Changes the RGB values of the prop you are looking at.
- +move / -move - Used to manually move players/props you are looking at
- +copy / -copy - Used to copy then move a prop you are looking at.
- m_save <save alias> - Saves any an all props you have spawned under a save alias.
- m_load <save alias> - Loads all props under the specified save alias.
- m_setspawn - Sets your custom spawn point.
- m_clearnspawn - Clears your custom spawn point.
Установка:- Распакуйте архив по папкам
- Установите расширение vPhysics|последний снапшот
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