(More) Colors
More functions for easy chat color management

Описание (от автора):
Добавляет целый букет цветов (спасибо asherkin!) для плагинов использующих чат. Полностью (почти) совместимы с оригинальными colors.inc. Вы можете использовать различные цвета команды в одном сообщении! Это для TF2. Это бета-версия и может быть изменена.
Описание (от себя):
Добавляет множество цветов, работает также в CSS, но не очень красиво в консоли в списке целых 149 цветов, наслаждайтесь.
Поддержка последних версий игр:
- Team Fortress 2
- Counter-Strike: Source
- Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
- Day of Defeat: Source

PHP код:
* Prints a message to a specific client in the chat area.
* Supports color tags.
* @param client Client index.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
* @noreturn
* On error/Errors: If the client is not connected an error will be thrown.
stock CPrintToChat(client, const String:message[], any:...)
* Prints a message to all clients in the chat area.
* Supports color tags.
* @param client Client index.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
* @noreturn
stock CPrintToChatAll(const String:message[], any:...)
* Prints a message to a specific client in the chat area.
* Supports color tags and teamcolor tag.
* @param client Client index.
* @param author Author index whose color will be used for teamcolor tag.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
* @noreturn
* On error/Errors: If the client or author are not connected an error will be thrown
stock CPrintToChatEx(client, author, const String:message[], any:...)
* Prints a message to all clients in the chat area.
* Supports color tags and teamcolor tag.
* @param author Author index whos color will be used for teamcolor tag.
* @param message Message (formatting rules).
* @noreturn
* On error/Errors: If the author is not connected an error will be thrown.
stock CPrintToChatAllEx(author, const String:message[], any:...)
* This function should only be used right in front of
* CPrintToChatAll or CPrintToChatAllEx and it tells
* to those funcions to skip specified client when printing
* message to all clients. After message is printed client will
* no more be skipped.
* @param client Client index
* @noreturn
stock CSkipNextClient(client)
* Adds a color to the colors trie
* @param name Color name, without braces
* @param color Hexadecimal representation of the color (0xRRGGBB)
* @return True if color was added successfully, false if a color already exists with that name
stock bool:CAddColor(const String:name[], color)
* Removes color tags from a message
* @param message Message to remove tags from
* @param maxlen Maximum buffer length
* @noreturn
stock CRemoveTags(String:message[], maxlen)
* Replies to a command with colors
* @param client Client to reply to
* @param message Message (formatting rules)
* @noreturn
stock CReplyToCommand(client, const String:message[], any:...)
* Replies to a command with colors
* @param client Client to reply to
* @param author Client to use for {teamcolor}
* @param message Message (formatting rules)
* @noreturn
stock CReplyToCommandEx(client, author, const String:message[], any:...)
* Determines whether a color name exists
* @param color The color name to check
* @return True if the color exists, false otherwise
stock bool:CColorExists(const String:color[])
* Returns the hexadecimal representation of a client's team color (will NOT initialize the trie, so if you use only this function from this include file, your plugin's memory usage will not increase)
* @param client Client to get the team color for
* @return Client's team color in hexadecimal, or green if unknown
* On error/Errors: If the client index passed is invalid or not in game.
stock CGetTeamColor(client)
- v1.7.0 (2/7/13)
- Improved team color handing on non-SayText2 games (currently only DoD:S is supported)
- Added support for protobuf usermessages for if/when Source 2009 games are updated in the future
- v1.6.0 (1/7/13)
- Changed the way {teamcolor} is handled so it relies on the game's built-in team colors instead of predefined values
- Messages will now be printed to clients' consoles
- v1.5.0 (12/31/12)
- Added CColorExists
- Added axis, allies, normal, unique, vintage, genuine, strange, strange, unusual, haunted, community, selfmade, and valve colors
- v1.4.0 (10/3/12)
- Added CReplyToCommand
- Added CReplyToCommandEx (1.4.1)
- v1.3.0 (9/12/12)
- Fixed tag mismatch warning
- Fixed issue with CPrintToChatAllEx
- v1.2.0 (9/9/12)
- Updated to use a SayText2 usermessage instead of PrintToChat
- v1.1.0BETA (5/28/12)
- Fixed bug in CPrintToChatAllEx
- Added StrToLower documentation
- Added CRemoveTags
- Added CGetTeamColor stock, which returns the hexadecimal representation of a client's team color (without initializing the trie)
- v1.0.0BETA (5/11/12)