Релиз SourceMod 1.7
Highlights for Server Admins:

  • Updated game compatibility for TF2, CS:GO, and Dota 2.
  • Fixed regression in SM 1.6.3 causing load failure on games older than Orangebox.
  • Rewrote internal Steam auth ID handling:

    • admins.cfg now supports Steam2, Steam3, and SteamID 64 formats for the Steam auth provider.
    • admins-simple.ini now supports Steam3 auth IDs in addition to Steam2 IDs.
    • Command targeting now supports both Steam3 auth IDs in addition to Steam2 IDs.

Highlights for Developers:

  • Added new SourcePawn Transitional Syntax!

    • New methodmap-based APIs have been added for many existing functions and handle types.
    • New work-in-progress API doc page.

  • Added OnTakeDamage_Alive hook type to SDKHooks.
  • Many more File natives now support Valve FS.

Категория: Новости | Просмотров: 1237 | Добавил: root | Рейтинг: 5.0/20
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