Плагин я думаю для этого не обязателен, т.к. можно открыть cstrike\cfg\sourcemod\zombiereloaded\zombiereloaded.cfg найти в нем zr_respawn "0" и установить значение на "1" Доступно только для пользователей
// ============================================================================ // // ZOMBIE:RELOADED // Plugin configuration // // Check the plugin configuration section in the manual for detailed info. // // ============================================================================
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Zombie-Related Server Variables // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The max speed of any player in the server (250 is normal speed). This is just a speed limit, and not the real players' speed. // Default: "500" sv_maxspeed 500
// Amount of time, in minutes, zombies have to infect all humans. // Default: "5" mp_roundtime 5
// Allows players to move items with their 'use' key. // Default: "1" sv_turbophysics 1
// Multiplier for how easy props are moved ['1' = No push] // Default: "3" phys_pushscale 3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Ammo Reserve Settings // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Notes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // All notes are generalities, exceptions will be noted in appropriate place. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // * All units of time are assumed to be in seconds. // * ... // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Format: // // Default: "" // "" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Description: // " [ = '' | ...]" // OR // " [: | ...]" // // Specifications: // These are specific values that the cvar can be set to. Used to illustrate // the scale of a cvar, min/max values, etc. // // Meaning: // The description of what the specification does. // // Flag: // Includes any of the following: // * "Dependency" - Means this cvar relies on another cvar to be enabled. // E.G. Has no effect until its dependencies are enabled. // * "Delimiter" - Separate each item by this given character. // * "Override" - Means this cvar overrides another if enabled. // * "Recommended" - Means another cvar is recommended to be enabled if this // one is. // ... // // Value: // The value of the flag. Usually a referenced cvar.
// Enable logging of events in the plugin. Fatal errors are always logged. // Default: "1" zr_log "1"
// A bit field that specify what event types to log. See logging section (3.3) in manual for details. // Default: "2" zr_log_flags "2"
// Enable module filtering. Only events from listed modules will be logged. // Default: "0" zr_log_module_filter "0"
// Don't log events triggered by console commands that are executed by the console itself, like commands in configs. Enable this command to avoid spamming logs with events like weapon restrictions. // Default: "1" zr_log_ignore_console "1"
// Always log error messages no matter what logging flags or modules filters that are enabled. // Default: "1" zr_log_error_override "1"
// Print log events to admin chat in addition to the log file. // Default: "0" zr_log_print_admins "0"
// Print log events to public chat in addition to the log file. // Default: "0" zr_log_print_chat "0"
// Use group authentication instead of flags to access admin features. Generic admin flag is still required on some features. // - // Default: "0" zr_permissions_use_groups "0"
// Re-display class selection menu every spawn. // Default: "0" zr_classes_menu_spawn "0"
// Display class selection menu when a player spawn for the first time. // Default: "0" zr_classes_menu_join "0"
// Automatically close class selection menu after selecting a class. // Default: "1" zr_classes_menu_autoclose "1"
// Player is assigned a random class every spawn. [Override: zr_classes_default_*] // Default: "0" zr_classes_random "0"
// Time limit to change human class with instant change after spawning. Time is in seconds. Use 0 or negative to disable. // Default: "20" zr_classes_change_timelimit "20"
// Save players' class selections in server cookies and restore when connecting. [Override: zr_classes_default_*] // Default: "1" zr_classes_save "1"
// (Not implemented!) Admin-only class assigned to admins on connect, if any. ["default" = Default human class | "random" = Random admin-only class] // Default: "random" zr_classes_default_admin "default"
// (Incomplete) Admin-mode class assigned to admins on connect. Do not confuse this with admin-only classes. ["random" = Random admin class | "" = Class config default] // Default: "random" zr_classes_default_admin_mode "random"
// Human class assigned to players on connect. ["random" = Random human class | "" = Class config default] // Default: "random" zr_classes_default_human "random"
// Zombie class assigned to players on connect. ["random" = Random zombie class | "" = Class config default] // Default: "random" zr_classes_default_zombie "random"
// Zombie class assigned to mother zombies. ["motherzombies" = Random mother zombie class | "random" = Random regular zombie class | "disabled" = Don't change class on mother zombies] // Default: "motherzombies" zr_classes_default_mother_zombie "motherzombies"
// Allow players to select human classes. // Default: "1" zr_classes_human_select "1"
// Allow admins to select admin mode classes. (Not to be confused by admin-only classes!) // Default: "1" zr_classes_admin_select "1"
// Speed method to use when applying player speed. Do not touch this if you don't know what you're doing! ["lmv" = Lagged movement value | "prop" = Player speed property] // Default: "lmv" zr_classes_speed_method "lmv"
// CS: GO only: Applies an upwards boost if necessary as a workaround for low knock back when standing on the ground. Side effects: Weaker and flying zombies (compensate with lower knock back). // Default: "1" zr_classes_csgo_knockback_boost "1"
// Overlay
// Allow players to toggle class overlay. // Default: "1" zr_classes_overlay_toggle "1"
// List of commands to hook that players can use to toggle class overlay. [Dependency: zr_classes_overlay_toggle | Delimiter: ", "] // Default: "nightvision" zr_classes_overlay_togglecmds "nightvision"
// Default class overlay toggle state set on connecting player. // Default: "1" zr_classes_overlay_default "1"
// Enable weapons module, disabling this will disable any weapons-related features. (weapon restrictions, weapon knockback multipliers, etc) // Default: "1" zr_weapons "1"
// Restrict
// Enable weapon restriction module, disabling this will disable weapon restriction commands. // Default: "1" zr_weapons_restrict "1"
// Restricts zombies from picking up weapons after the round has ended but before the next round has begun. // Default: "1" zr_weapons_restrict_endequip "1"
// ZMarket
// Allow player to buy from a list of weapons in the weapons config. // Default: "1" zr_weapons_zmarket "1"
// Requires player to be inside a buyzone to use ZMarket. [Dependency: zr_weapons_zmarket] // Default: "1" zr_weapons_zmarket_buyzone "1"
// Allow players to rebuy their previous weapons. [Dependency: zr_weapons_zmarket] // Default: "1" zr_weapons_zmarket_rebuy "1"
// Allow players to automatically rebuy their previous weapons. [Dependency: zr_weapons_zmarket
/ / Counter is not displayed until the first infection. Default: "0" / / Счетчик не отображается до первого заражения. По умолчанию: "0" zr_infect_mzombie_countdown "1"
/** * Conditions for respawning players. */ enum ZR_RespawnCondition { ZR_Repsawn_Default = -1, /** Let ZR decide according to its settings. */ ZR_Respawn_Human = 0, /** Respawn as a human. */ ZR_Respawn_Zombie, /** Respawn as a zombie. */ ZR_Respawn_ZombieIfSuicide /** Respawn as a zombie if killed by world damage. */ }
/** * Spawns a player into the round. * * @param client The client index. * @param condition Optional. Set respawn condition, defaults to current * ZR settings. See ZR_RespawnCondition for details. * @error Invalid client index, not connected or already alive. */ native ZR_RespawnClient(client, ZR_RespawnCondition:condition = ZR_Repsawn_Default);
/** * Called right before ZR is about to respawn a player. * Here you can modify any variable or stop the action entirely. * * @param client The client index. * @param condition Respawn condition. See ZR_RespawnCondition for * details. * * @return Plugin_Handled to block respawn. */ forward Action:ZR_OnClientRespawn(